Saturday, August 6, 2011

House Beautiful-NOT!

I just opened and sorted through about three weeks worth of mail. I've been traveling a lot this year and had a house-guest for two weeks last month. Having company in the house was no trouble at all, it's just that I spent all my free time visiting instead of keeping up with silly things like cleaning house, opening mail (mostly bills) and the like.
For most of my adult life I have spent my waking hours striving to create, and then maintain a clean, beautiful house. Notice the word choice striving, not achieving. However the task of living itself is completely opposed to any shape or form of order in the home.
Lately I have been blessed with the company of some wonderful, long-lost friends and in order to carve out time for them I knew that something had to give. Guess what that something was? There are only so many hours in a day and it can be very tricky choosing how to spend them. When I was younger I almost had myself believing if I pushed myself hard enough I may be able to squeeze more time out of a day! I never would admit to being tired either.
Nowadays the tables have turned and I will gladly admit it. The thing I still struggle most with is knowing when to stop. I'll admit I'm tired for sure, but I'll keep going, and going, and going...until I drop usually. I now know there are only 24 hours in each day, but I don't have to like it.

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