Sunday, February 13, 2022


my hands are not manicured
neither are they manly
they are worked...and worked...and
at times much overworked;
cut burned bumped because
there is not another pair in sight or in house.

my hands are not manicured
polish doesn’t play well with
dirt...or tools...or demolition
nor with plumbing leaks or torn shingles;
smashed when
precariously attached tree limbs crash down on them.

hands that aren’t manicured gather limbs
and shingles and
other people’s trash when it
relocates itself onto my modest plot;
they gather and carry
unwanted discarded decomposing
things to the place where
such things, no longer useful things, belong.

hands that aren’t manicured hurt
but they don’t stop can’t stop
there is so much to much to feel
to give that comes through hands;
gentle sensitive yet strong hands
sporting scars of wear and war
but also full of memories...
of what it feels like to touch.

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